Frequently Asked Questions

What is March4NETs?

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Every year March 4 NETs gives you the chance to team up with friends, colleagues or join in solo to raise funds and awareness for Neuroendocrine Cancer Patients across Australia. Sign up now!

I don’t want to create my own page – can I still take part?

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Absolutely! Join in person at the local BBQ event in your state or territory. Or simply donate to NECA or a chosen NECA fundraising page.

How do I sign up?

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Click the sign-up button below to register

I have signed up as an individual but would now like to create a team – how do I do this?

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While your individual page can’t be transferred it is super easy to log in, archive your individual fundraiser and create a Team registration – making it easier to hit your fundraising target.

How many people can I add to my team?

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As many as you want! It could be your teammates, work colleagues, friends, family – the more the merrier. Feel free to encourage a little (friendly) competition between groups to see who can reach their fundraising goals first and raise the most money for NET patients.

Is March 4 NETs limited to Walk, Run and Ride?

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Absolutely not. Feel free to swim, row, kayak, skip, unicycle or roller blade, whatever takes your fancy.

Who do I contact if I have a question about my fundraising page?

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If you have a question about any aspect of your online fundraising page please email us at or call our Fundraising manager on 0407 718 822

How does the fundraising work?

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When you sign up, your group fundraising page will be created automatically. It’s easy to share the link to your page with friends so they can donate.

Most people choose to donate between $10-$20 but please give what you can. Everything you raise will make a difference to NET patients as they navigate their experience.

Most people choose to donate between $10-$20 but please give what you can. Everything you raise will make a difference to NET patients as they navigate their experience.

You’re also welcome to organise other fundraising activities during the month of March. We’ve seen quizzes, morning teas, head shaves, BBQs, cake sales – the lot.

Where does the money we raise go?

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Donations go directly to NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia to support NET patients, this includes the specialist NET Nurse & Support line (including Specialist Dietitian and Counsellor), Fact Sheets, Explainer Videos, Living with NETs workshops, NET Patient Forums, Healthcare Professional education modules and In-services – vital resources for any NET patient, carer and Healthcare Professional.

It’s not unusual for us to receive positive feedback from Patients and Carers, like this patient here:

“Without the NECA website, I would not have known how important it is to have an oncologist specialising in Neuroendocrine Cancers or where to find them in Australia. I do believe that this saved my life, as I would have lost valuable time at a critical point without the information, I found on NECA’s website”.

What if I receive a cash donation?

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Wow,you are a fundraising superstar! We're pleased to say you can add any offline donations you receive to your fundraising total by logging in to your profile and selecting 'Add offline donations' from the top menu. Once you've saved the donation, you have the choice how to pay the money you've raised to us.


You will have the chance to pay in the donations using a credit or debit card at the same time as adding the donation to your page, select 'Proceed to payment' when prompted at the end.

Direct Deposit

NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia
ANZ Bank
BSB: 012301
Account: 902423475


Payable to:
NeuroEndocrine Cancer Australia
PO BOX 384
Blairgowrie VIC 3942


You can pay by credit or debit card over the phone by calling the NET Nurse line on 1300 287 363 or the Fundraising Manager, Adie Williams, on 0407 718 822


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Email us any time or call our Fundraising Manager, Adie, Monday to Wednesday on 0407 718 822


Follow us on our socials for the latest news!